No, they are not. It isn't at all feasible for celebrities to have their personal phone numbers in the phone book. In fact, not only are they not in the phone book, celebrities take great care to keep their numbers private and out of the hands of the public.
It is a place to keep phone numbers that you don't want others to see.
in the phone book
A good place to search for phone numbers is the phone book. There are also online versions of the phone book, and other websites that list telephone numbers.
One can search for phone numbers through the phone book. Alternatively one can use the online phone book directory, or a similar engine such as YELP to find phone numbers.
Yes you can look numbers of verison users in thier phone book online,if not you can also get a free phone book from the store for other number to look.
yes he has a cell phone because I keep seeing different phone numbers for example I keep looking up santas phone number and all I keep seeing are two numbers
I'm not sure if there is an actual wireless phone book. It would be a directory of wireless phone numbers, but seeing as how often these numbers change, I don't think there really is a reliable source of a wireless phone directory.
On contacts
The White Pages of a phone book typically list residential phone numbers and addresses of individuals and households. It is organized alphabetically by last name.
One must always ensure that emergency phone numbers are always on hand. This would include the police and the fire department. Find numbers by looking in a phone book or accessing telephone operator Tape or keep numbers close to telephone in case of emergency.