the 200th Birthday Of the United States.
the 200th Birthday Of the United States.
300 years is one tercentennial. The Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776. 1776+300=2076 The United States will celebrate it's tercentennial birthday in 2076.
The President of the United States is the commander in chief of the United States.
The United States uses the Gregorian calendar.The United States uses the Gregorian calendar.The United States uses the Gregorian calendar.The United States uses the Gregorian calendar.The United States uses the Gregorian calendar.The United States uses the Gregorian calendar.The United States uses the Gregorian calendar.The United States uses the Gregorian calendar.The United States uses the Gregorian calendar.The United States uses the Gregorian calendar.The United States uses the Gregorian calendar.
the 200th Birthday Of the United States.
july 4th of 2014 United States celebrated its 238th birthday
because it's the United States of America's birthday
The United States will celebrate its tercentennial birthday in the year 2076.
Not in the United States.
July 4, 1776.
the 200th Birthday Of the United States.
On July 4.
The United States Navy was started on October 13th, 1775.
November 10, 1775
The United States of America will celebrate its tercentennial on 2076. The motto of the United States is 'In God we trust.'