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You can't make a woman gay or straight. Sexual orientation is something we're all born with.

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Q: What is the best way to not make a woman a lesbian?
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Related questions

How does a lesbian make a other girl lesbian?

You can't make someone else a lesbian. A woman who previously identified as straight may come out, or make an exception for a specific person, but there is no way to turn someone into a lesbian.

What is the best discreet way to find out if a woman you are interested in is a lesbian or bisexual?

The only way is to ask her. There is no other way.

How to tell if your lessbion?

If you are a curious and need to tell if you are a lesbian, think about a woman's body. If it turns you on in a sexual way, you are likely a lesbian.

How can you spot lesbians?

You can't. The only way to know for sure if a woman is lesbian is to ask her.

If you are in love with a woman but do not think of her in a sexual way does that mean you are a lesbian?

No you are not a lesbian. You can love a person without sexual thoughts. But the real question is, do you still find appeal in men?

Is it true that lesbians are two girls?

A lesbian is a woman who is attracted to other women. Like the way a girl would have a crush on a boy, a lesbian would have a crush on a girl. So I suppose yes, a lesbian couple is two girls, two girls who are a couple - just like a man and a woman.

Whats the best way to approach a woman?

The best way to approach a woman is to tease her in some way.

How can a lesbian be a womanizer?

The exact same way a woman can be straight. It just depends on her sexual orientation.

What makes a lesbian a real lesbian?

There really isn't any way to define anyone in that way. It's like asking what is funny or what is "normal." A woman who is attracted to other women but (usually) not men, is a lesbian. Homosexual women are called lesbians and homosexual men are called gay men.

How Do You Make A Lesbian Laugh?

The same way you make anybody laugh, with a joke. I wouldn't suggest a gay/lesbian joke unless you're gay/bisexual yourself.

What is the best way to seduce a lesbian teacher?

Are you straight? Forget about it. Are you a student? Forget about it too

What is the best way to tease a woman?

the best way to tease a woman is to play with her gently vagina, and nipples. also being romantic such as kissing her all over her body. a woman wants to feel wanted by you. playing hard to get doesnt work it will just make the woman insecure about herself.