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drink water & wait a few days. only time can clean your system

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Q: What is the best way to clean your system of drugs?
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What is a good fast way to clean your system?

No such method exists. The best way is to not take drugs

You are 105lbs what would be the fastest way to clean your system from THC?

The fastest way to clean out your system when you weigh that much , is to pee out the THC .ORRR JUST DONT DO DRUGS .,

What is the best way to clean out the human system?


What is the best way to clean your system?

colonic irrigation

What if you got a drug test tomorrow how can you clean your system?

This is not possible. The only way to pass this test is to wait until all of the drugs are out of your system. Or to not put drugs in your system in the first place.

If you took extacy two weeks before a urine test will it be clean?

No guarantees, best way to have a clean drug screening is to not use drugs. But yes, ecstasy SHOULD be out of your system for a urine test after two weeks.

Can you drink lots of water clean your system out then take your prescribed medicine and pass a drug test showing only what is suppose to be in your system?

There is no fast way to "clean" your system of drugs. If there was, drug testing would be pointless. Just don't do drugs in the first place and you'll be fine.

What is the best way to clean your system of marijuana for cheap?

dont smoke then :-)

What is the best way to get clean from marijuana?

There is no magic "fast" way to get clean. Drugs stay in the body for a certain amount of time no matter what sort of "cleansing" crap you may waste your money on. They're just laxatives anyway, to make you have a bowel movement or urinate more - they don't do anything to "clean" out drugs. You'll have to either stop using drugs or prepare for the natural consequences of your decision.

Is there any way to push the drugs traces out your hair by replacing it with vitamins?

No. The drugs stay in your fat cells and hair. Best way is not to use drugs instead of trying to beat the system.

How do you clean your system from opiates in 2 days?

how many days and what natural recieps for detoxingfrom

Can you take miccil to pass a drug test?

No. There is no way to effectively "clean" your system.