

Best Answer

Go to Wal-Mart. They carry one that's around $175 (before tax).

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Q: What is the best under 200 dollar 1000 fps air rifle?
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What is the best pellet gun for under 110 and is 1000 fps and over?

See the link below and click on each rifle that you can afford to check the FPS also read the review under each rifle and make a selection that fits your needs and budget.

What is the best rifle in the military?

M16 A4 rifle. That's why they use it now instead of the M16 A2 rifle.

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Well, it is a 40 mm grenade launcher if you mean the real rifle and the M203 launcher- but there is NO ONE BEST. The M16 is a good rifle- but it will not be a 1000 meter rifle. And it may not be the rifle of choice in close quarters, or where greater penetration is needed.

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Best rifle for a 1000 yrd shot?

Anything from 500-10000 USD will do the shot if the shooter is up to it.

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Savage makes an out of the box, 1000 yard rifle capable of 1/2moa accuracy. I think retail is 1200 dollars.

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Where can you buy a good quality smoothbore 177 air rifle? is your best bet. The Crosman Phantom 1000 air rifle has received high reviews and has a smooth bore.

What is the best single shot rifle that's under 300 dollars?

TC is one.

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Panasonic GH2

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The best laptop under $1000 is the light Compaq CQ-50. I have one and bought it from Wal-Mart for about $300 total. It is decent and much better than other computers.