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cotton balls with vaseline on them. Birch bark

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Q: What is the best tinder to start a fire?
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magnify glass
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Where is the tinder on club penguin?

Use the Survival Guide to Start the Fire.

How do you use the tinder in a sentence?

He used tinder to light the fire.

What is a sentence with the word tinder?

Check the box for more tinder, please. This tinder is wet. Without dry tinder, we'll have no fire.

Is it possible to start a fire with ice?

Yes, it is possible to fashion ice into a lens that is capable of sparking a fire from sunlight in dry tinder.

What three elements are needed to have a fire?

no what you need to have to start to start a fire is lots of diff stuff you need fuel... like wood, dry grass or tinder paper. Air...oxygen. Heat ... fire!

Where is the tinder in clubpenguin?

To get tinder, in your item menu, click the survival guide and place it in the fire.

How do you start a fire with a magnifying glass?

well you have to get good tinder like newspaper or old branches and then pick up your magnifying lens and hold it up to the tinder. Try to get the light as small as possible. Tip/if you try to do it at dusk it wont work noon or in the afternoon is the best time.

What are the three things needed for a fire to burn?

Fire material To make a fire, you need to build it up gradually, beginning with small pieces of wood, then progressing to larger pieces as the fire gets going. You can grade your fire material intotinder, kindling, and fuel.TinderYou will need some material that ignites very easily to start a fire. Good tinder is dry material that takes only a spark to ignite. The tinder must be absolutely dry. There are a number of things you can use for tinder, paper, leaves, grass, bark and resin. You will find resin in spruce and pine trees. Resin will burn even if it is wet.Use your knife to turn dry sticks and pieces of bark into powdery tinder. Tinder is the most important part of your fire, so prepare it well. If you have found resin, rub it on small twigs and sticks. Have plenty of tinder on hand so your fire will not go out. Collect tinder before you need it. Put tinder in your pocket or backpack, so you always have it handy.Learn how to light a fire with matches, or to be more precise, light your tinder. Alternatively, why not learn how to make a fire with a flint striker.

How do start the fire on mission 2 on club penguin?

To start the fire, you get the puffle that does not run away and you move it until it is near the fire, and then you give him a "O" Berry, found in a bush. He will get fired up and light the fire. Make sure you have some tinder though. Use the book for it.

What are the tiny sticks that catch fire with a spark called?


How do you make a fire with flint?

When the flint is struck by the steel, it creates sparks which can be directed at the tinder, and cause it to light, thus starting your fire.

What is the most efficient way of kindling a fire?

Starting a fire efficiently not only requires split wood for kindling, but also dry tinder which will catch fire quickly. Once tinder has been collected and has lit, arrange the small pieces of kindling wood over the tinder, allowing enough space for air to get to the fire. If the tinder is smothered, the kindling will not catch. Continue adding small pieces of kindling, and gradually add larger pieces of wood.