Well I would suggest maybe an iPhone if they are careful and safe and maybe an htc or an android for regular people. iPhone's are good for lots, but so is android it's just apple has brainwashed you into thinking their product is the best. A 13 year old only needs music, texting, and apps, and a phone which android is good at as well. Cheaper plans from android, better quality from apple. Your choice those are my thoughts.
"it totally depends on the person
im 12 and im in year 7 and i have an iphone not to brag but i think i am mature enough if you think your child isnt mature your probaly right give it a year or two
hope that helped"
When I was 12 I happily took whatever phone I was given. Phone = freedom. Buy what you're willing to pay for. Iphones are over priced pieces of crap.
"Should" is a loaded word. It could be argued that a 12 year old girl should NOT have a phone at all. If her parents decide to give her one, it's really up to them what kind she should have, but as Lindalee says ... any basic phone which gives her the capability of calling a few selected numbers (home, Mom, Dad, and the local "emergency" number such as 911) "should" be entirely sufficient.
Yes. A 12 year old should have a cell phone. They should be mature enough to handle a cell phone. My daughter's are triplets and they are all very responsible about what they do on there phone. I think that 12 year old's should have a phone.
Thats funny im 11 years old about to be 12 in october. i have a pantech pursuit, Samsung magnet, soon gonna get a Nokia and a new phone i dont know about. I think feature or smart phones are the best
A capped contract, phone doesn't matter so much.
No where. You're 12!
samsung intensity 2.
It isn't particularly. It depends on the child.
The best thing to do is tell him how you feel.
The best way to seat your 6 year old son and 12 year old daughter in a single seat pick-up truck is to place the 6 year old in the middle and the 12 year old by the passenger door.
No. There is supposed to be someone of 16yrs or older watching them.
Ask her for her phone number.
No, he does not give his personal phone number to fans.