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Well, I believe that the best part about being in a relationship is that you can have someone who will always be there for you. If you're sad, then that person will be there to lend you a shoulder, comfort you, and soothe any pain you may feel. If you're happy, then that person will be there to join you in that moment of joy and elation.

I think humans have a natural need to be attached to something emotionally and have a strong hold on it. Relationships provide a way for us to do so in a manner that, hopefully, won't end up hurting us in the near future.

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Q: What is the best part about being in a relationship?
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oooh... thats bad. i suggest that you tell your bf/gf the truth because being honest is part of the relationship and if you don't have it then what DO you have? hmm?

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Well, most relationship always starts with friendship. You get to know first the person and be-friend with her or him then when love comes your way it'll end up as the best relationship ever not just being friends but as partners for life.

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It depends on the type of relationship you have with him and the type of relationship you want to have with him. At any rate you should probably worry about being the best person that you can be instead of procedure-alizing how to have a relationship.