Ben Nye Tattoo Cover (look online, Ben Nye is a theatrical makeup supply house) is pretty much the standard in tattoo covering makeup.
If you want to cover up a tattoo that no longer has special meaning, you can cover it up with a whole new tattoo. But if your looking for a temporary cover up, try make up. There is also a special type of make up, called tattoo cover up.
cover up, don't know the name of it but their is a tattoo cover up, try google----------------------------------------------The name of the product you are thinking of is Tattoo Camo. It works really well to cover up tattoos and stays on all day. Its really dense so it doesn't take like 50 applications for it to cover the tattoo completely. They offer 6 colors but I mixed two shades t get the best match.
it depends on the artist,and how dark the tattoo that you want to cover is
It is indeed possible to cover up a tattoo, but any tattoo that you will get will have to be significantly darker than the one that you have now to effectively cover it. Consult with your local tattoo artist, see if they are good at cover ups (not all artists are), and he or she will design something for you that will cover it and will be complimentary as well.
a couple of days after the tattoo gets done just peel the ink off it wont fully be taken off tho. ^ DON'T DO THAT!!! you could cause a serious infection or rash. after it heals, you can get it a dermatologist to remove it with laser. or, get another tattoo over the one you have as a cover up. if you do get a cover up, make sure the tattoo artist is experienced because he or she should know what colours of inks work best on what you already have.
The Marines have a rule that a tattoo can not be seen wearing a PT shirt.So Yes you can become a marine if you have tattoos just make sure to cover them up.
covering with solid black is a bad idea. most of the time, you can still see the underlying tattoo. the rose is probably a good idea (organics make for GREAT coverups), but you should seek the advice of a well-experienced tattoo artist for any cover up.
apparently its to cover up a tattoo that is not appropriate for telly.
Bruno Mars covers up his tattoo because he feels that it makes him look like someone he is not.
I once saw someone with a peace tattoo on her wrist. It was cute. Behind the ear might also be cute. Ultimately, the placing for any tattoo is up to the individual. You have to weigh several different questions, such as how big will your tattoo be, do you want to be able to cover it up easily, and will the placement affect your future job somehow? Make sure you think about all these things and that you are 100% sure of your tattoo and its placement before committing to ink. Good luck!
A tattoo will not cover up a port wine stain, although in theory you could create a pattern of some sort which would incorporate the stain - but chances are, that would only make the stain more conspicuous, not less.