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Single shot bolt action .22 rifle.

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Q: What is the best gun for a beginner?
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There are alot of good guns depending on what class you want . . . Check out the sites in the related links (below). I recommend a spring gun for a beginner.

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beginner.... spyder, kingman once you get advanced more like an angel or dye

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A beginner can use the soaking method as the best way to separate their envelopes and stamps.

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If you are a beginner with your taxes you want to be careful so you don't miss anything or make any mistakes on your taxes. The best software for a beginner is Turbo Tax.

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The Bowflex Tread Climber would be great choice for a beginner.

Is an invert mini paintball gun a beginner gun?

Though the Mini is an excellent marker, it is not a very good starting marker. Firstly it costs over $300, bust be run by a HPA tank, and needs an electric hopper to function well. This starting money is usually a HUGE deterrent to new players, and can burn out all of their paintball funds and energy, which could have been spent elsewhere. It is also not a good idea for your first gun to be an automatic electric, you will not be able to fix it (as a beginner) and will never learn to aim, like you must with mechanical markers. Automatic also wastes more paint then the average beginner needs or can afford. In the related links is a question about the best beginner markers

What is the average clay pigeons broken by a beginner?

It is really up to the shooter and how well there gun fits them

Is the 2009 spyder PILOT a paintball gun?

Yes, it is a beginner level semi automatic marker.

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the marmoset monkey

What gun would be better to get for a beginner sniper the L96 with 350 fps or a ZM51 with 415 FPS considering that it needs to scope well from 60 ft and above?

The best gun to get a rookie sniper could depend. It all really depends on the person and what they are comfortable with.

What is the best gun to start off with in modern warfare 2?

Scar-H and the FAMAS are good beginner guns. Although, the UMP45 is a very good gun for any player.