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monster galaxy or miscrits

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Q: What is the best game on Facebook like Pokemon?
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Is Pokemon the best or not?

Pokemon is like the best game. you definitely should play it!!!!!!!!!!!

Which is the best game on facebook?

for me fishville is the best its the same like farmville but instead of plants we have to take care of fishes!

What is the best video game for Nintendo DS?

Well, it depends on what you like. Many players prefer the game 'Pokemon Diamond', 'Pokemon Pearl', or 'Pokemon Platinum'.

What is the best Pokemon to use for breeding in Pokemon sapphire?

ditto, like in every other game :p

Are there any Pokemon games on Facebook?

Miscrits world of adventure is like Pokemon

Some good monster raising games like pokemon or Digimon?

miscrits, monster hero and one of the best after the very best pokemon istmonster galaxy those tree games can be found in facebook

Whats the best online Pokemon game?

Try Pokemon Indigo, its kinda like the DS games but on computer

Is there any games online that is like Pokemon?

One game that I like is called Miscrits and it is on Facebook There are two versions: Miscrits of sunfall kingdom Miscrits of volcano island

How do you get to give a Pokemon on one like on Pokemon firered game to the other game so that you can the Pokemon that you want on your game like Pokemon pearl?

you import them

Is there a Pokemon game like Pokemon crater?

There is an even better Pokemon game just like it

What are four good Pokemon to use in Pokemon Battle Revolution?

i had the game and i downloaded palakia dialga giratina and cressalia because there like the best Pokemon there

What is the best choice in Pokemon on emerald?

If you have legendary's from other games which you like , transfer them when you have beaten the game. Or use pokemon codes and stuff.