Impossible to answer without knowing intended use, even then, it will be an opinion.
A 22 caliber pistol holds a dose of 22 caliber ammo.
Best left to a gunsmith
You will have to provide the end use for the pistol for anyone to even begin to try to answer this question. Also, your budget.
Yes. Not the best choice, but yes.
This is a problem best left to a qualified gunsmith.
For what? Accuracy, target shooting or beasts of the forest?
Imho, s&w
Best to ask a gunsmith for help.
how to breakdown and load 38 caliber iver johnson pistol?
This is a .22 caliber air pistol not a .177 caliber pistol. See the link below for the owners manual.
The 50 caliber pistol is the highest pistol which can be purchased without the need for a permit. Some pistol shotguns exist which can be 75 caliber weapons.
H&K USP45, hands down. Imo its the best designed pistol in the market 2day. Great looking, reliable and accurate. My cousin has one as service pistol and it has never jammed.