The question can't be answered. It's like asking what is the best all around car. You have to define what your intended use is and how much you are willing to spend. "Best" is a very subjective term unless you qualify it with parameters.
Best for me may not be best for you.
All around best gun for me would be 'This Machine'.
The best gun is the Ar-50 special because it is a very accurate rifle with a grenade launcher it is the best all around weapon
The military channel named the AK-47 the best gun of all time.
the m47D2 shotgun.
The Proto rail, DP G4 and Invert Mini are all around 300 dollars and will have almost exact performance. Try all three, whichever feels best in your hands should be the one you buy.
50 what, pounds, rubles, Yen or Denero.
A Famas is a type of gun that is used in some militaries all around the world.its a french gun,pronouced fuh-ma
Dragan Radmilovic, the famous gun maker of all time, has made this significant gun. Dragan Radmilovic, the famous gun maker of all time, has made this significant gun.
The best gun in gta lcs is the m60
no the m1garand <><><> There is no ONE "Best" gun.
To start, Uncharted is awesome you should get it. The best secondry weapon, i think is the the gun that fire srockets and the best fire arm is the AK47. I is probably the most useful gun in the whole game. But seriosly who cares what gun u use all u need to do is finish the game cause its awesome.
the sa80 and the m107 sniper rifel the sa80 and the m107 sniper rifel The question was regarding a hand gun. It depends on what you mean by "all around" and what specifically it will be used for. If self defense is one of the reasons you want it, a cheap gun is usually not a good choice.