I say 14 is a resonable age
HannahSpanner: I would say 16 because you should live life to the full and be single and sometimes girls only have boyfriends for protection and comforting. You might call me weird but that is my opinon!
around when your a teen. its a good age to start, cause your not to sencitive then. around when your a teen. its a good age to start, cause your not to sencitive then. Well, it really depends on how emotionally mature the guy is. Some teens start dating at age 11 or 12!!! Some start at 25!! It is all up to you. When I was young, I started "hanging out" with guys at around age 11.
I think the best age to start dating is 14 because then you are mature enough to know right from wrong. Also if you start to early your parents might not trust you as much. But it aslo depends on your self. Do you think your mature enough to have a steady relationship?
12-13 ---------------------------------- I myself think it's the maturity level of the child/teen. If you want a age I say 11-14, DEPENDING on the person's maturity level.
I think you should start at a young age so that you can be succeful when you become an adult or even a teen. if you want to start as a teen theat is fine as
Usually 13
A girl will start dating between 18-30s
I think you should start at a young age so that you can be succeful when you become an adult or even a teen. if you want to start as a teen theat is fine as
i think you should be at an age that is right for you everyone is different if one of your friends start dating don't start until you your self are ready i was 12 when i started but my best friend waited till she was 15 to start dating witch was fine by me.
14 or 15
no, you can start out at any age you wish.