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An entirely subjective question. It depend on your view point.

Many would say Black lotus. (The most expensive card in the game in terms of monetary value).

Personally, I think Voltaic key is the best artifact because it enables lots of combos.

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14y ago

Because of the vast number of varying rotating formats and card pools available to those formats the answer to that question can be very difficult to answer.

Any deck can be shut down by another deck tailored to do so.

Some decks, however, are far more successful against the majority of other decks in their format (much like pre-banning affinity was during its time in onslaught-mirrodin and mirrodin-kamigawa standard/type 2.)

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The best MTG card is probably Progenitus. It is a 10/10 mythic rare hydra avatar. It has protection from EVERYTHING so it cannot be killed. If is put into a grave yard from anywhere, instead, shuffle it into its controllers library.

It cost a lot of mana though, two of each color, but once you get it on the battle field, you'll win. (Protection from everything included colorless spells, creatures and enchantments)

Behind that is most likely Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. a 15/15 Legendary Eldrazi creature. it has flying, annihilator 6(whenever you attack, defending player must sacrifice 6 permanents before he/she can block) and protection from colored spells. when you summon it, it can't be countered and you take an extra turn after that one. if it gets killed, then the owner shuffles his/her ENTIRE graveyard into his/her library. that is if it is put into the graveyard from ANYWHERE!!!

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