

Best Answer

any facebolt

screw cpricornes energy ring

basalt horogiums fusion wheel

killer beafowls spin track

screw capricornes performance tip

no 2

i have tested for weeks and have found the perfect combination which has beaten the combo above

it is;

any facebolt

any energy ring

storm pegasus or aquarios fusion wheel

ldragos or pegasus spin track and either a wb tip or jb tip i.e. wide ball and jog ball. for better results use the jb tip

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

I know it is the Gravity Balls or Eternal Defence. WATCH BOBS BEYBLADES ON YouTube

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βˆ™ 13y ago

r145 or bd145. theyre both good

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Q: What is the best Beyblade metal fusion spin track?
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What is the best Beyblade metal fusion combonation?

the best beyblade metal fusion combo is: any face bolt storm pegasis's energy ring dark wolves fusion wheel storm capricorns spin track rock leones performance tip

What is the best Beyblade spin track?

The best metal fusion beyblade uncustomized is Earth Eagle.

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it depends what other beyblade you battle against.

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The best Beyblade Metal Fusion episode cannot be answered due to the best episode being different for each individual person. The matter of taking an overall vote for the best episode remains anonymous.

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sagitario is the best i started with him and i never lose

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should be stardust pegasus i think

What are the stats of Burn Fireblaze in Beyblade Metal Fusion?

high in stamina best of all beys

Is rock Aries a good metal fusion Beyblade?

Yes rock Aries is a commendably good . It has a spin track which can reduce the speed of an opponent beyblade. It has a spherical performance tip which gives it more stamina. Finally its fusion ring which is a defensive ring gives it one of the best combination's ever!

What is a good Beyblade metal fusion combination?

Well, this ain't the best combo, but here it is: Face bolt: Any Energy Ring: Pegasus Fusion Wheel: Flame Spin Track: The lowest spin track you could get. Performance Tip: Earth Eagle's Try it out, It's awesome!