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Dependent Variable

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Q: What is the behavior or mental process where the impact of the independent variable is measured?
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A variable that is changed during the process of experimentation is a?

The variable that is purposely changed is the independent variable. The variable that is affected by this change is the dependent variable.

What process involves deciding exactly what is to be measured when assigning value to a variable?


Is an independent variable defined to be a variable that is to be predicted or estimated?

neither, an independent variable is a variable not being changed in the process of a science experiment. A variable in math cannot be described, only purpose of a variable is to take place of a number that you are trying to figure out in some equations. Others are equations with no solution.

What is the dependent variable for which detergent works best?

The detergent which is being used because a dependent variable is what is being measured in the process. is dawn

What is markov analysis in decision making process in management?

Markov analysis is a method of analyzing the current behavior of some variable in an eifort topredict the fiature behavior of that same variable.

What is the definition of manipulative variable?

A manipulated variable is also called an independent variable. It is the thing in an experiment you change or manipulate. For example, if i am doing an experiment to see how water affects the growth on plants, the amount of water is the manipulated variable.

Definition of manipulative variable?

Manipulated variable is also known as Independent variable and is the factor that you change in an experiment. For example if you were measuring the effects of alcohol on driving ability the manipulated variable would be alcohol, either with or without alcohol.

Why do you supposed to have only one independent variable?

When you analyze something, you usually specify two variables, one independent variable, which you can somehow alter or set specific values for, and a dependent variable, in which you see the effect of altering the independent variable. Strictly speaking, you don't have to have only ONE independent variable, but doing so makes the analysis process much simpler. As most phenomena depend on more than one variable, what one does is usually set all other variables as constant and only pick one independent variable. After that, one repeats the whole process choosing another independent variable (and leaving the previous one constant). After analyzing a set dependent variable by testing several independent variables, one can join the results together and get a single relationship between all the tested variables. A good example of this would be the ideal gas law: PV=nRT. To arrive at this relationship between pressure, volume, number of moles and temperature, scientists had to test pairs of variables to get individual relationships. Only after finding each one could they add them all together to make an equation with four variables and not just two.

What is the independent variable for fingerprint patterns? this is the fingerprint experiment

What is a controlled varable?

Controlled (or control) variables are things that are kept the same during an experiment. There are usually many- for example, when testing how light intensity affects photosynthesis, the controlled variable would be the type of plant used, or the color of the light.

Do scientists use a process to do experiment?

yes!!! scientists definitely have a process. first, you have a problem or question wanting to be solved, then you form a hypothesis explaining what you think will happen then have your independent variable , dependant variable,constant,control,procedures,qualitive,quantitive,inference,conclusion and evaluation. Hope that helps!!

What is a Bernoulli variable?

A Bernoulli variable is a variable which is part of a Bernoulli process.