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Values and beliefs.

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Q: What is the basis of all cultural differences and behaviors?
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Does alcohol have a cultural basis?

Alcohol attitudes, beliefs and behaviors are all strongly effected by culture.

Is cultural anthropology hard?

Cultural anthropology can be challenging due to the need to understand complex human behaviors, beliefs, and practices across different societies. However, with curiosity, empathy, and dedication to learning about diverse cultures, it can also be a rewarding and enlightening field of study.

What is the definition of cultural attributes?

They are specific types of beliefs, values, behaviors, symbols they use and accept, language, and over all, a way of life.

Why is it problematic to identify universal behaviors that work well in all cultural contexts?

This is because cultural contexts are specific to a region or society, and so whilst a universal behavior may 'work well' in a certain cultural context, it might not necessarily be of any important relevance to the specific cultural context.

Do all recognized religions practice praying?

yea sure all recognized religions practice praying, and all have different approach to it cos of cultural differences.

What is anthropology about?

Anthropology is the study of human culture but understanding culture as all of the non-biological behaviors that humans have, in simple words, all of our behaviors are divided into two, biological (these are the ones that all humans have) and cultural (this are the ones that are different between two humans) and anthropology studies this last kind of behaviors. An anthropologist usually lives or stays with the human group that he wants to study to learn about their culture. He does a participation in all of the groups activities to understand them.

How would you define cultural awareness?

Simply, cultural awareness refers to the recognition that not all people are from the same cultural background. It also refers to recognising people have different values, different behaviours and different approaches to life.

What culture traits do the people of the British Isles share in common?

They are all north Europeans with only minor cultural differences between them.

Do people from different cultures flirt differently?

Yes, people from different cultures may have different ways of flirting. Cultural norms, beliefs, and values can influence how individuals express attraction and interest in others. Some cultures may have more direct and overt forms of flirting, while others may have more subtle and reserved approaches. It is important to be aware and respectful of cultural differences when engaging in flirting behaviors.

What are the main cultural differences between Japan and Vietnam?

First of all, Vietnam OS one of the BEST countries on Earth. Finally, Japan SUCKS

What is Learned behaviors of a moose?

A moose doesn’t learn behaviors. It is all instinct.

How did religious and cultural differences create problems for newly emerging?

because off the cold war all that emerged in 1884 because of the problems of indus and budahism