I would say 3 to 7 minutes. If they don't text back after 10 minutes then they probably don't have their phone with them.
Well in text messaging, if you were to receive a forward and the person who has sent it to more poeple then just you, if it is on reply all you will reply to all of the phone numbers that got the same text message/forward. replys answers just the person who sent the email to you.. reply all goes to everyone who is "CC'd" into the conversation..
I could mean lots of things! It could mean that he has no texts, or hasn't got your text yet. His phone could be dead or he's just to busy to reply... or he may not wanna text you. To test that last one you text him off a random number and he'll reply who is this then you'll know he just doesn't wanna text you.
Just wait for her to reply, girls do not like pushy boyfriends.
The future tense of reply is will reply.Alsopresent continuous with a time phrase:I am replying to his request tomorrow.be + going to + verb:I am going to reply to his request tomorrow.
You can 141 a text but it has a downside as it charges you for it. I think you text 141 then the number you want to text and then your message to 60777. The website is www.141txt.com. It works and the person you send the message to can even reply without them ever knowing your number but like I said they charge you £1.50 for it.
Don't reply!
It depends on the wait time. If you did it and she didn't reply immediately then she's away from her phone, she's thinking, she doesnt know how to reply, or she's saying no in a subtle way. Just give it time and see if she texts back.
I would advise you to wait. Text him again, he may just have been too busy to reply first time. If he doesn't answer this then ignore him and move on.
Well in text messaging, if you were to receive a forward and the person who has sent it to more poeple then just you, if it is on reply all you will reply to all of the phone numbers that got the same text message/forward. replys answers just the person who sent the email to you.. reply all goes to everyone who is "CC'd" into the conversation..
Quite simpily . . . you can't.
find somebody else to invest your time on!
At least, 24 hours for a response from Apple.
send another one or he plobely did nto get it/ did not check his phone yet. send one more text, or just call him, email him, or hunt him down yourself.
You can create a text area by the input element. It goes like: <input type="text"/>.
Average speed is calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken. The units for average speed are typically distance units divided by time units, such as meters per second (m/s) or kilometers per hour (km/h). The formula for average speed is: ( \text{Average speed} = \frac{\text{Total distance}}{\text{Total time}} ).
No it is not bad to tell someone to text you if you know them and it is rude of them not to reply to your text. You did nothing wrong.