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She will have her period for 40 odd years.

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Q: What is the average number of years a woman has a period?
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What is Average number of sexual partners for woman at 28 years old?

I would say the average number is 15. If she started having sex at age 16 then that would be about 1.2 men in a 12 month period which is right at one a year about. That is not a lot of partners. Most everyone lies about there number anyway cause they dont wanna look bad to the person that they are dating.

How many years does woman have her period?

roughly 9 but it differs

Periods stop at what age?

A woman's period will stop once she goes through menopause. Each woman reaches that stage at a different age. The average age that a woman shows menopause onset signs is 51 plus or minus several years.

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365 x 15 = 5475 days on an average, (over this period there may be 3 or 4 leap years which will increase the number)

How many years does a woman have her period for?

How many years a woman menstruates for depends on when she reaches menarche, when she reaches menopause, how often she is pregnant, whether she suppresses her menstrual cycles with hormonal birth control, if she has any health problems that prevents menstruation, and if she has a hysterectomy. On average women will menstruate from 13 years old to 55 years old.

What is the average life expectancy for a woman at present in the United States?

The average life expectancy for a woman in the United States is 69 years.

What is the average life expectancy of a woman born in 1936?

The average life expectancy of a woman born in 1936 was around 63 years.

What is the importance of ratios?

This ratio looks at how long it takes for the business to get back the money it is owned. Average collection period for accounts receivable reveals the average number of days it takes for a company to collect its credit accounts from its customers. Therefore, a business prefers a shorter average settlement period. The number of days has been same in both the years.

What is the important of efficiency?

This ratio looks at how long it takes for the business to get back the money it is owned. Average collection period for accounts receivable reveals the average number of days it takes for a company to collect its credit accounts from its customers. Therefore, a business prefers a shorter average settlement period. The number of days has been same in both the years.

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What is the Importance of Efficiency Ratio?

This ratio looks at how long it takes for the business to get back the money it is owned. Average collection period for accounts receivable reveals the average number of days it takes for a company to collect its credit accounts from its customers. Therefore, a business prefers a shorter average settlement period. The number of days has been same in both the years.