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Impossible to answer. Each caliber has it's own level(s) depending on the load.

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Q: What is the average dB level of a gun?
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What is the average decibel level for an ambulance?

120 db

What is Decibel level of a 40 caliber hand gun?

.40 S&W 156 dB

What is the average sound level?

The usual soundlevel can be between 0 dB SPL = 20 µPa (threshold of hearing) up to 130 dB SPL (threshold of pain). An average sound level could be at 85 dB SPL. Scroll down to related links and look at "Average sound pressure levels".

What is the decibel level of a drum line?

On average, about 120 db, depending on size.

What is the difference between dB HL and dB SPL?

dB HL stands for decibel Hearing Level, and dB SPL stands for decibel Sound Pressure Level.

How much does dB?

dB (decibels) is a unit used to measure the intensity of sound. It is a logarithmic scale that compares the intensity of a sound to a reference level, usually the threshold of hearing for the average human ear. The higher the dB value, the louder the sound.

How loud is 60 db?

60 dB sound pressure level is about conversational speech listened in 1 meter distance.

What is db HL?

dB HL stands for decibels Hearing Level and is a unit used to measure the relative loudness perception for an individual with hearing loss. It represents the volume level of sounds that an average person with normal hearing can hear at a given frequency, serving as a reference point for audiologists to determine the extent of a person's hearing loss.

What does NRR equals 30 db mean?

NRR means Noise Reduction Ratio and 30 db (decibels) is about average. 30db hearing protection would be commonly used by shooters to reduce the sound of gun fire.

What is the difference between dB SL and dB HL?

dB SL (Sensation Level) is a measure of a sound's loudness compared to an individual's specific hearing threshold at a particular frequency. It indicates how loud a sound is relative to a person's hearing ability at that frequency. dB HL (Hearing Level) is a standardized measure of a sound's loudness relative to the average normal hearing threshold across frequencies. It is used as a reference for assessing hearing loss.

How loud in decibels is the m2 machine gun?

About 132 dB(A)

What does sensation level mean?

Sensation level refers to the level of sound intensity relative to an individual's threshold of hearing at a specific frequency. It is often used in audiometry to describe the loudness of a sound in decibels above the individual's hearing threshold at that frequency.