The average prices for purchasing handguns vary greatly depending on size and brand name. The average cost of a 9MM pistol is in the range of $250-300.
probably If the pistol is designed for 9mm Luger, 9mm Para, or 9x19, yes.
For the AVERAGE 9mm pistol, not very well. The M9 pistol is considered to have an effective range of 50 meters. There ARE 9mm pistols and shooters that are accurate to 100 yards- but not an everyday affair.
9mm 100-300 or so 38 Super 100-500 or so
The 9mm pistol would have the higher decibel rating.
Imho, s&w
depends on which 9mm and which gun. The 9mm Parabellum (9mm Luger) fired from an average pistol travels ABOUT 1200 feet per second.
Anywhere from 50-5000 USD depending on specifics.
Most likely a 9mm with a suppressor
9mm MKV is not the same as 9mm Luger.