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2000 calories 2000 calories 2000 calories 2000 calories 2000 calories 2000 calories 2000 calories

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Q: What is the average amount of calories consumed each day by one person?
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What is the average amount of pop consumed by the average person?

about 200 calories or about 2 cans (7%)

What is the average amount of calories consumed by one person on Thanksgiving Day?

The average American consumes about 3,500 to 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving Day.

What is the average number of calories consumed by one person in one day?

Around 2,000 depending on age and gender.

What do you think would happen if a person burned more Calories than he consumed?

If a person is burning more calories actually what he/she consumed, this situation leads to get weight loss of that particular person.

Does thinking burn calories?

Yes, and no. Yes, because when you are alive, your brain is functioning, and that brain function uses calories. No, in that the brain does not seem to use more calories when you think harder. Since oxygen is required to burn calories, the amount of oxygen consumed is therefore a very good indicator of how much energy (calories) is used. Research has shown that, in the average person at rest (in a relaxed awake state), the brain consumes 25% of all the body's oxygen, meaning that the brain burns about 25% of all the calories consumed in the body. This consumption rate is impressive, considering the brain accounts for only 2.5% of the body's weight. The amount of cerebral oxygen consumed does not seem to change when a person concentrates, or thinks harder. In fact, the amount of cerebral oxygen consumed remains at the same 25% while a person sleeps.

What is average amount of calories a person should have per day?

Depends on age, gender, size and level of physical activity. but roughly between 1800-2500 calories.

How much sugar was consumed per person in 1900?

In 1900, the average person in the United States consumed about 90 pounds of sugar per year. This amount has significantly increased over the years due to changes in diets and food processing.

How much calories does an average person eats a day?

Depends on the person. Our daily intake is supposed to be 2,000 calories a day. But, everyone has different height, weight, age, disabilities, and stress that people tend to take different amount of calories each day.

How many calories does an average person eat at Thanksgiving?

45000 calories

On average how many daily calories does a person in the UK consume?

1,600 to 2,000 calories a day, on average.

What is the most calories a person has ever consumed in one day?

14,000 calories, by Kevin thomas josiah Gordon ate about 17, 000 the following day

How much calorie energy required in a day for adult person?

Require? Depends on the person, how nourished they are typically, where they are, etc. But the recommended amount of caloric intake for the average person is 2000-2500 calories a day.