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the average age for a girls period 2 start is 11-16 but you can start your period at any time in your life but if you haven't started it by the time you are 18 go and see a doctor.

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Q: What is the average age for girls periods to start?
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Is it ok if you have start your perido when you were 9?

Yes it's fine to start your period when you were nine because usually girls start their periods at age 8 to age 12. Yes it's fine to start your period when you were nine because usually girls start their periods at age 8 to age 12.

How old do you have to be to your period?

On average girls start thei periods at about 12 years of age, They can begin menstruating as early as 8 years of age or as late as 16 years of age. Most people think they don't have periods because they are older than 14, but that's not true, people even start at the age of 16.

When do periods start?

I think you have to be at least 13 or 14 years old.

Do periods start when your ten years old?

Periods can start at a range of ages, the average is 12 years old but they can start at age 7 or 14.

What is the average age to start your Period at?

All girls are different but around 12-13 is average. Although you can start from the age of eight, to the age of sixteen.

What age do girls start to get there period?

girls are all different. We are all unique. But it is at the age of 12 to 14 is an average age to start their first period. good luck

What is the average age girls start devoloping?

i would say about 11-15 years of age

What is the age to have periods?

Normally girls have periods at the age of 12 or 13. But the age starts from 9 to 16.

Will you get your period?

if you are a female then you certainly will. a period can start any where between the age of 8 and i think as late as the age of 18 or maybe 16.

Can you get your growth sprout puberty breasts underarm hair and then periods all at age eleven?

Yes most girls on average start developing those things around 12 but some can start as early as 8 i think and some as late as 18

What age do girls get peirods?

Well girls can get it anytime from tween to teenage years. The most average age is from 12-14... some start later or sooner.

What is the minimum age of menstrual cycle?

The first menstruation can be as young as 9. In the US the average age for girls to start menstruating is 12.