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umbilical area

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Q: What is the area around the belly button called?
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Why is your belly button called a belly button?

Well, sweetheart, your belly button is called a belly button because it's literally a button-like scar left behind from where your umbilical cord was attached during fetal development. It's not winning any creativity awards, but hey, at least it's descriptive and to the point.

What is the area of the body around the belly button is called?

This is called the pyloric region. A sphincter called the pyloric sphincter is found there.

What is area below belly button called?


What is another name for a belly button?

Umbilical Knot 'Navel' is more common The "Navel" is the area around the "belly button"

What is the Belly button area called?

Umbilical knot

What is a belly button ring?

A belly button ring is a body piercing placed in a cauterized area of the belly button.

What could cause Pulling and tugging behind belly button?

Umbilical Hernia. Not particularly dangerous, but get it checked out. You'll experience soreness and tenderness around the belly button area, and it's possible your belly button might swell and protrude a little. Usually results from injury or impact to the area.

What is umbilical area?

belly button

What region is located near the belly button?

The region near the belly button is called the umbilical region, named after the umbilical cord that connected the fetus to the mother during pregnancy. This area is also known as the navel or the "belly button" and is located in the center of the abdomen.

What is the meaning of a belly piercing?

A belly piercing is a piercing on the belly button. Where your belly button might go in or out, it is the slight arch you get just above it. it is a piercing through that area. depending on how your belly button is formed. Search google for images.

My belly button hurts and I'm only like 5 weeks pregnant Why?

I wish I had a definite answer for you. I'm five weeks today and my belly button is killing me! With my last three pregnancies it was inside the belly button, this one its the area all around the belly button...

Why is the area around your belly button sore warm and red?

If you pick at your belly button that is probably the cause, it is most likely just bruised. If you dont pick at it then you should probably see your doctor as it could be an infection ir hernia.