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13, many people would disagree with me but it really depends on the person,can they handle the relationship and hardship,or should they just be friends with everyone,many people dont actually get to decide as they are asked and dont know what to do but say yes.This is something that can be avoided though,If a person seems to take an interest in you,for any reason,subtly hint that you are not interested,remember only do this if you are not ready for a relationship or dont want to go out with that person.Follow that step to ensure you only date some one at the correct age and time.

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Q: What is the appropiate age to have a boyfriend?
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18, like it says right there on the box

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You can have a girlfriend as young as 5th grade. Just make sure that you know what it means to be a boyfriend. Which consists of only being with her, not going to parties without her, only doing things with her (age appropiate things), etc. it matters on your parents decision if your really young

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Early Edition & FRIENDS. Seinfeld is a bad idea.

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ofcourse NOT! Trust me, she's too smart for that, she'll never do that until she has the appropiate age.

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Yu bring watever yu wnt as long as its appropiate 4 yo age group

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That question is really up to your parents. Say, " What age do you think I will be until I get a boyfriend?"

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