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The answer depends on the girl, the boy, and the phone. If a boy has a question about homework or a sports team, there is no reason why he can't get the answer by calling a girl. When it comes to calling a girl just to talk, so long as both the boy and girl want to talk it should be appropriate, but their parents should pay attention that the conversations aren't inappropriate.

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Q: What is the appropiate age for a girl to talk on the phone with a boy?
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Between 10 and 13 is a good rage to talk to someone about it for a boy or a girl.

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age ain't nuthing but a number I agree to a certain degree. That depends on how old you are. If you are 19 years old, then the girl would be under the legal age! So, alot would depend on your age. It would be fine if you were 35 years old and she was 31, no problems there. So, you see why your age is very important.

What age should a guy call a girl?

Well be more suspefic. If you mean: What age should a guy call a girl's phone? My answer would be 12. If you mean: What age should a guy call a female "girl"? My answer would be Under the age of 12. Because a girl becomes a woman at age 13.

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i got mine done at 15. so lol 15 would be a great age

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I believe that the appropriate age to date would be around 16 years old, but this is not up to me it is up to your parents. This is a good thing to talk to your parents about because every one has a different belief, opinion, or perspective of things. Don't be afraid to talk to someone, even if it is not your parents. It might me an older sibling or another adult or even just a friend.

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If it doesn't matter to them, and everything is fine, i.e. age appropiate, healthy relationship, no abuse, then it's no one else's business, and it doesn't matter one bit.

Why don't your friends call you?

This is the now age, it is all about texting. I don't talk on my phone unless it is about work or school.