You need to click the 'u' in the third box. You will be able to see it change colour when you hover the mouse over it.
The right answer.
The Impossible Quiz? Question 80? You mean "Sell your liver to..." Choose "Filthy Romanians" My God that sounds rasict.
The Answer to Question 41 is AFRO
Charles Dickens
The afro on the duck.
there is not answer, its impossible and the end of the quiz
Click the letter 'U' in the third answer. (The letter U is shaped like a horseshoe).
Impossible quiz 1 = an elephant. Impossible quiz 2 = press the right arrow.
The dot after the number 87 is missing.
Click the U in the third box.
The right answer.
The answer to number 16 on the impossible quiz 2 is Chris