Your winchester model 74 was made in the first year of production for this model.That year is 1939.
Your winchester model 1892 was made by winchester in 1906.
Your serial number indicates that your Winchester model 74 was made in the year 1939,which was the first year of production.Production was from 1939-1955.
A pump action rifle.
50-500 usd
By adding the serial number to your question.
You would need to provide the model number and serial number to get a correct answer to your question.
What is a Winchester model 67-22 short - long - long rifle worth?
ABOUT $200
They did not SN# all the 1890 winchester 22 short because I also have one and it has not been removed
Need to know what configuration, and all the markings on the gun. has sn tables has sn tables.