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They only made the from 1936 to 1941, really only 1939.

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Q: What is the age of your Remington 41 rifle?
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value of Remington targetmaster model 41 cal 22rifle

What is the value of a Remington model 41 22 rifle?

50-500 depending on EXACTLY what you have and its condition.

What is value of old Remington rifle?

It all depends on the age, condition and the collect ability of the rifle.

What is the value of Remington model 41 22 long rifle single shot and what year were they made?

The Model 41 was produced from 1936 until 1939 with 306,880 rifles manufactured. Condition will depend on the current condition of the rifle and which Model 41 you have. They were furnished in Models 41 A, 41 AS, 41 P and the 41 SB.

What is the age of a Remington model 12 22 cal rifle Serial 562486?

This rifle was made in 1920.

What is the age and value of 32 Remington rifle with a octagon barrel serial number 110740?

I received a similar rifle from my grandfather. He had a letter from Remington stating the rifle was manufactured between 1900 - 1907, if I remember correctly.

What is the age of a 22 caliber Remington model 34 rifle serial 13140?

1932-1935 - see Remington Society link

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What is the age of a 22 caliber Remington model 41?

The Remington Model 41 was made from 1936-1939, they will have the date code stamped on the left side of the barrel. You can look up this code at the Remington Society of America, I will add a related link to this answer with it.

What is a Remington 8304 Sniper Rifle?

i belief its a sniper rifle that is by Remington

What is the value of a Remington rolling block rifle?

In order to determine the exact value of a Remington Rolling Block rifle, a few different factors would need to be taken into consideration. Some of these things would be the age and condition of the rifle.

How do you find the age of a Remington 550-1 rifle?

Date code on barrel, check Remington Society of America - manufactured date link.