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Below is listed the age of consent for various countries around the world, listed in ascending order of that age. Note that this list does include separate ages for females and males where applicable, but does not include any special laws regarding homosexual sex or any of various kinds of sex.

No legal age of consent: Qatar (only within marriage), Saudi Arabia (only within marriage), Yemen (only within marriage and after puberty).

Age 12: Angola, Mexico (most states), Netherlands (partner under 16) ,Philippines (partner under 18), Tonga , Zimbabawe (partner under 18)

Age 13: Argentina, Cambodia, Comoros, Guyana, Japan, Niger, Senegal, South Korea, Vietnam (under 18).

Age 14: Albania, Austria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burma, Chile, China, Colombia(males), Croatia, Ecuador, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Lithuania, Madagascar, Moldova (varies between 14 and 16; no set limit), Papua New Guinea (males), Peru, Portugal, Serbia.

Age 15: Benin (females), Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Greece, Honduras, Iceland, Kuwait (females), Laos, Mauritania, Monaco, North Korea, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Sweden, Thailand, Uruguay.

Age 16: Afghanistan (females, must be married), Algeria, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia (even outside the country), Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Bermuda, Brunei,Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Cook Islands, Dominica, Fiji, Finland, Georgia, Ghana, Hong Kong, Indonesia (females), Israel, Jamaica, Kenya, Latvia, Libya (females), Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands(partner above 18), New Zealand, Norway, Papua New Guinea (females), Pitcairn Island, Russia, Samoa (females), Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Suriname, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States (most states), Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Zambia, Zimbabwe(partner above 18).

Age 17: Cyprus, Ireland, Kuwait (males), Tajikistan, United States (some states).

Age 18: Afghanistan (males, must be married), Benin (males), Bhutan, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, El Salvador (although can happen from 15), Gambia, Guatemala, India, Kazakhstan, Libya (males), Malta, Nicaragua, Oman (only within marriage), Panama (partner above 18), Philippines (partner above 18), Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Turkey, Uganda, United States (some states),Vietnam (18 or older).

Age 19: Indonesia (males).

Age 20: Tunisia

Age 21: Bahrain

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10mo ago

Age of consent varies widely by country, ranging from 13 to 18 years old. It is important to note that some countries may have additional laws regarding the age at which individuals can engage in sexual activity, even if it is above the age of consent. It is advisable to check the specific laws of the country in question for accurate information.

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Q: What is the age of consent in different countries?
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What is the oldest Age of Consent?

Tunisia has the oldest age of consent at 20. Tonga has the youngest at 12. Most nations cluster about 16, though 14 is not unheard of even in industrialized democracies. Please note that in some countries, sexual intercourse between an unmarried couple is forbidden alltogether, regardless the age.

What is the legal age consent to date in Texas?

The legal age of consent to engage in sexual activity in Texas is 17 years old. However, there are additional laws governing the age of consent for relationships between individuals of different ages, so it's important to be aware of those as well.

Is it illegal if an 18 year old gets a 17 year old pregnant?

It depends on the laws of the country or state. In some places, a close-in-age exemption may apply that allows a minor to consent to sexual activity with a partner who is slightly older. However, in other jurisdictions, there may be specific laws that prohibit sexual activity between minors and adults.

What is the illegal dating ages in Illinois?

In Illinois, the legal age of consent for sexual activity is 17. Anyone under the age of 17 cannot legally consent to sexual activity, and engaging in sexual activity with someone under that age can result in criminal charges for statutory rape.

Is it legal to have sexual intercourse at the age of sixteen?

The legality of sexual intercourse at the age of sixteen varies by country and state. In many places, the age of consent is 16 or older, meaning it is legal for individuals of that age to engage in sexual activity. It is important to check the laws in your specific location to ensure compliance.

Related questions

Is 16 the age of consent?

Depends on where you are. In most countries age of consent is 16, but some countries and states have other legal age of consent limits.

What is the Sexual age of consent in Goa?

The age of consent in Goa is 18 years old. The age of consent in many countries is between 16 and 18.

Is it illegal to have an underage girlfriend?

Define underage!! If you are referring to being under the age of consent, then yes that is illegal. Different countries and different states within a country have different laws stating the age of consent. Some countries the age of consent is 14 but only if you're married, some 15 but most countries the age of consent is 16 years of age. Having sex with a minor under the age of 16 is child molestation which is a very severe offense and you can be imprisoned for many years. If you are referring to her being under the age of 18 but over the age of consent then it is legal to have sexual intercourse. Some countries have limits on the types of sexual intercourse you are permitted to take part in. The country you reside in may have different laws to the age of consent, you will need to contact your local authorities to confirm your legal rights. Keep in mind, regardless if she is over the age of consent it is still illegal to photograph or video tape any sexual activities if she is under the age of 18 years old. This law is to protect minors from being sexually exploited within the pornographic industry.

Would he be a pedophile if you liked him back but he's over 18?

Liking him back is OK. But having any kind of sex with him if you are under the age of consent, could get him in big trouble. Even if you agreed, the law says you are too young to consent. The age of consent varies in different countries and different states. You should find out what the age is in where you are. He would not necessarily be a paedophile if you like him and he is over the age of consent. But if he has any kind of sex with you and you are under the legal age for consent, then that would make him a paedophile in the eyes of the law. Whether you agreed or not.

What is the legal age for marriage in Hispanic countries?

"Hispanic" countries each have their own law codes and the minimum age to get married varies in the various countries from 16-18-21 years of age. The younger minimum ages often depend on parental consent. For example, without parental consent in Brazil the age of consent is twenty one. In some countries, the age for young men and women is different with minimum age for women being sixteen and men being eighteen. Spain once had the lowest minimum age at fourteen but that was recently changed to sixteen in 2013. You need to check the law for each particular country.

Can a girl go with an older guy?

It's her personal choice, provided she is over the 'age of consent', which is different in different countries/states - generally around 16 to 18 years.

What is the age of consent in russia?

Russian has set the age of consent as 16. This is probably the most common age for the laws around the world A few countries are less than this and some higher.

I'm 82 until what age is OK for you to try dating?

18 is the age of consent in most countries.

What if the girl is 17 and the guy is 32 is that illegal?

It is illegal if she is below the age of consent in her state. The age of consent differ from 16-18 in the different states.

What age can you get a tattoo at?

the age limit is different in different countries. it is 18 yrs in most countries though.

What is the legal age of consent in china?

The age of consent in China is 14 years of age. However, US law says it is illegal for any US citizen to engage in sexual activity with someone under the age of 16, regardless of the laws in the other countries. Other countries may have separate limits. Be careful in what you do!

What is the age of consent for Indian marriage?

The age ranges between the age of 14 and 18. Most countries have a consent age of 16 because of laws dealing with sexual intercourse. If a child is under the age of 16 it is considered a crime punishable by three years in prison.