It varies by state, but in general, it's the same as the age of consent for heterosexual sex.
17yo, the age of consent in the US is the same for gay and straight in the states.
Depends what state you are. Age of consent in the US also applies to same sex couples. If the age of consent is 16 or of there are close in age exemptions it is legal, otherwise not.
In New York the age of consent is 17 for any sexual orientation.The age of consent in the US varies by state. In New York the age of consent is set at 17. There is no difference based on sexual orientation.
In US law, AOC stands for "age of consent". The AOC law for a state designates the legal age at which a minor can engage in consensual sex. The age of consent and the age of majority are NOT always the same.
In PA the age of consent is 16. But i havent been home in a long time but that's what it was in 2005
This might legally be statutory rape (in the US). It depends on the Age of Consent in the place where you live and on the age of the father. In many states and countries the AOC is 16, so he might be in trouble (statutory rape in the US?), but you should find out the age of consent in your state. Read some more about Age of Consent and early sex:
If by "I'm with" means you're "having sex with" - (in the US) you will have to check your state's age of consent law. This age of consent varies from state-to-state.
That depends on the Age of Consent in the place where you live. In many states and countries it is 16, so you might be in trouble (statutory rape in the US?), but you should find out the age of consent in your state. Read some more about Age of Consent and early sex:
In the US you have to have reached age of consent in your state in order to be able to give legal consent to sex. There can also be a close in age exemption so a minor can be younger but never younger than 13. The laws vary a lot between the states so look up your state. The age of consent age varies from 16-18.
Age of Consent refers to the age at which a minor can consent to a sexual relationship. (How old you need to be to have sex/the minimum age allowed).Different countries have different laws. Some go as low as 9 (for females) to as high as 25 (for both sexes). The majority are between 16 and 18, with the majority of all others between 14 and 21.In the US, states establish AOC laws, therefore they are not the same in every state. Some states require a parent's consent, hence the "age of consent". The minimum AOC for any US state is 14; the maximum is 18. Bear in mind that most states and counties have constitutional laws and statutory laws, and authorities may use either in a suspected criminal violation.If you are resident of the US then you must abide by the laws in your own State if you travel interstate or abroad. Wherever you travel to in the world you will therefore be under the AOC laws in your home state. This measure has been taken to cut sexual predators from committing offenses by traveling away from home.See "What does the age of consent mean" in the Related Questions below.Homosexual SexThe age of consent for homosexual sex is not always the same as it is for heterosexual sex. In some States and Countries, homosexual sex is illegal. You must be aware of these details within your Country or region. Legal RamificationsYou can't legally consent to having sex under that age. That means that even if you agree, and even if you want to, and even if you started it, the law says you are too young to consent and the other person (if s/he is over the age of consent) can be charged with having sex with a minor, or rape, or any of several other crimes. (see further information in the related question below).
Usually the age of consent is not 18. I know in South Carolina the age of consent is 16 so you should be fine. However, to find out whether or not it is illegal or not you need to figure out what the age of consent is for your state.
The majority of the US has 16 as the age of consent. There is no lower age. A few states have set it at 17 or even 18.