Your serial number is missing a letter and/or a letter/number preceding or behind the 46643. This information is needed to determine the year of manufacture. Also the model if you can tell. Please re-check and ask the question again. Thank you.
You will have to call Browning with the serial number.
You will have to call Browning with the serial number.
Call Browning or check the serial number on their website if it is up.
The serial number you have provided is for a Browning High Power Sport Pistol made in 1993
The 3T prefix to your serial number indicates that you Browning .22 auto rifle was produced in the year 1963.
Call Browning with the serial number.
Browning website, custmor service- you will need MODEL of the rifle as well as serial number.
Browning did not make the Model 70, Winchester did. Also, the serial number is not a valid Browning serial number for a 7mm Magnum rifle. Please doublecheck your information.