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You will have to call Browning with the serial number.

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Q: What is the age of a belgium made browning Light Twelve Serial?
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What is the value of a belgium browning 1958 light what is the value of a 1958 belgium browning light twelve serial?

50-500 USD or so

When was belgium a5 light twelve serial number l52017 made?

With the serial number L52017,your Browning auto-5 light weight model shotgun was made by FN of Belgium for Browning in the year 1955.

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made in 1961

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The 4G prefix to your serial number indicates that your Browning auto-5 light weight shotgun was made in Belgium for Browning in the year 1964.

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50-400 usd

What is a light twelve belgium browning 12 gauge shotgun worth serial 26451?

50-350 usd

What is the age of a Browning light twelve with serial L61375?

Your serial number indicates that your Browning light twelve was made in the year 1955.

What is the value of a Browning Light Twelve made in Belgium serial number L5596 in good condition?

50-400 usd

Need price and age of Belgium browning light twelve serial?

10-500 USD, no way to date without the sn.

What is the value of a Belgium made 12 gauge Browning semi automatic Light Twelve with serial 7GS360?

0-400 usd

What is the value of a Browning light twelve made in Belgium special steel 12gauge with gold trigger serial?

50-350 usd