The 2 letters in the middleof your serial number(PV) indicate that your Browning Hi-power was made in the year 1985.
The 76C prefix dates your browning 9mm hi-power to 1976.
What is the age of a belgium 9mm browning hi power serial number 72c41055
500 USD
400 USD
Most likely it is a Hi-Power if it is a 9mm.
100-1000 USD and up depending on specifics
9mm Parabellum is a caliber, not a firearm- there were several pistols in that caliber made in Belgium by FN. ONE of them that I happen to own is a Browning P-35, commonly called the Browning Hi-Power. If you go to Google, from the upper toolbar select IMAGES, type in Browning Hi Power, you should see several examples.
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