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I have not found that Winchester kept any records of the model 670 and 670 magnum model by serial numbers per year that they made.I can say that the model in question was made during the years 1967-1973.

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Q: What is the age of a Winchester model 670 serial 6235547?
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What year was Winchester model 670 made serial number 114342?

Your winchester model 670 were only made from 1967-1973.Winchester did not keep records for this model as to the year of production with serial numbers.

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The winchester model 670,and magnum models were made from 1967-1973.

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The Winchester model 670,and 670 Magnum models were only made from 1967-1973.

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It could be possable that your Winchester model 670 does not have a serial number.The gun control act of 1968 mandated that serial numbers be present on all firearms made.The Winchester model 670 was made from 1967-1973.If it was made after 1968 then it would be located on the receiver just behind the barrel.

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I can say that the Winchester model 670 and 670 magnum version,which you have was made by Winchester from 1967-1973.I am afraid thats all the info that I can find.

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Your Winchester model 670 economy version of the model 70 bolt action rifle was made between 1967-1973.

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about 375.00

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The 670 was an economy version of the Winchester 70. It was made between 1967 and 1973. A 670 in good condition will bring between $200 and $300.

What is the age and value of a Winchester model 670-270 serial number 112671?

As far as I know Winchester did not keep records of the model 670 and 670 Magnum series rifles.I can say that the model 670 was made from 1967-1973.The model 670 rifle will bring between 140-300 dollars depending on overall condition,with 300 quoted as a perfect unfired rifle.

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i own a win 670 in fair condition. i bought it for $550 aus about 5 years ago.

What is the value of a Winchester model 670-243 serial g221021 in very good condition?

50-300 usd

What year was Winchester model 670 made serial number 109985?

Appears to be 1949.....check for yourself at on feft side of page for Winchester