With the serial number that you have provided,your Winchester model 94AE(angle eject) was made early in 1986.
I would say that with the serial number provided,your Winchester model 94AE was made in 1999-2000.
What is the year and value of a 30-30 Winchester model 94AE rifle serial # 649534
By the serial number.
Check the sn tables at Proofhouse.com
The name is as applied,the Winchester model 94ae(angle eject) rifle.the serial number would suggest that this rifle was made between 1995-1996.
Try the sn tables at Proofhouse.com
I believe your Winchester model 94ae was made in 1992.
Serial number lists for the Winchester 94 that are readily available to the public end at 5103248 in 1982. By estimating 100,000 produced each year, your number would fall in 1996.
depending on the condition of the rifle between 50.00 t0 450.00
No way to answer without a serial number.
Depends on its condition but probably somewhere in the neighborhood of $650.00 USD