You can tell the year by looking at the Manufactured Date information on the Remington Society of America - see related links.
The model 760 "Gamemaster" with this serial number would have been manufactured between 1951 and 1967.Here is a breakdown of serial number blocks for that model:1951-1967: 1,000-541,0001968-1975: 6,900,000-7,499,9991975-1978: A6,900,000-A7,499,9991978-1981: B6,900,000-B7,499,999
You can tell the year by looking at the Manufactured Date information on the Remington Society of America - see related links.
Depending on condition, value may be $300-450. Age can be determined from a 2 or 3 LETTER code on the barrel- left side, just in front of the reciever. The Remington Collector's website has a chart showing month/year using the letter codes. Google search Remington BLACKPOWDERX for the chart.
See related links for information on barrel date codes on the Remington Society of America.
See related links for information on barrel date codes on the Remington Society of America.
Contact Remington Customer Service through their website for the best answer.
To determine the age of a Remington 141 Gamemaster rifle with serial number 26940, you would need to consult the Remington Arms Company's records or contact their customer service department. Remington can provide the manufacturing date based on the serial number. The Remington 141 Gamemaster was produced from 1936 to 1950, so the rifle with serial number 26940 would fall within that range.
Remington Model 552 Speedmaster
Look at the date code stamp on the barrel. See related links for information on interpreting these (and there location) on the Remington Society of America.
It's date code stamped with month and year on barrel, see related links for information on the Remington Society of America.
1951 - 1967. check: