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Q: What is the age of a Llama 9mm Pistol serial number 982860?
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What is the age of a Llama 9mm pistol serial number 0386396?

No published sn data.

What is the age of a Llama 9mm pistol serial number 87718?

No published sn data I am aware of.

When made llama 22auto pistol no66774?

AFAIK, there is no published data on Llama serial numbers.

What is the year of manufacture and value of a Llama Auto Pistol model XV serial number 358855 in like new condition with box and owner's manual?

No published sn data; 200 or so

How old is llama 45 serial number 851327?

No published sn data.

Info on 380 llama especial serial number 20890?

No published sn data.

What year was the llama 380 IIIA serial number B24938?

Serial number is not going to help, you need to look on the OTHER side of the weapon, just above the trigger will be a Date Code (Letter and Number). Look up Llama Date Codes and find the year. Mine is a "D*2" which is 1984

Is llama 9mm pistol is a good quality?

Llama has a tradition for not being a particularly high quality manufacturer. While they're not the worst on the market, there's a number of pistols you can purchase for around the same price which are superior.

What is a llama max .45cal pistol worth?

100-300 USD

When was your Llama 1911 22 LR made?

Unfortunately, Llama is closed, and there are no public databases of production dates- even if you have given us a model and serial number. Most were from the 1970s- up to 1984.

How do you know what year your llama max-1 was made?

Th last two digits of the serial number are the year of manufacture

How do you remove the firing pin of 22 llama pistol?

Best left to a gunsmith