I have one that was purchased new for me in about 1971/72.
The Winchester model 370 Youth shotgun was produced from 1968-1973.
Winchester did not keep records of the model 370 shotguns serial numbers by year of production.I can say that the model 370 Winchester was made from 1968-1973.I hope this helps.
between $80-$120 depending on condition and buyers desire. Possibly more as winchesters are becoming collectable.
Winchester did not keep records of the production of the model 370 shotgun by year. I can say that the model 370 was made during the years 1968-1973.
Your Winchester model 370 does not have much value; it is going for between 75-150 dollars. It may intrest you to know that the model 370 was made in Winchester's Canadian plant at Cobourg, Ontario. They were made there from 1968-1973.
Between 80-150 dollars.
depends on the condition, they go anywhere from 175 to 250, they are great guns to teach young ones with and good to just shoot for fun.
Winchester did not keep records of the model 370 shotguns serial number by year of production.I can say that the model 370 was made from 1968-1973.the value of your shotgun is between 75-100 dollars.
the Winchester model 370 was made from 1968-1973.
Winchester did not keep records of your model 370 by year. Model 370 guns were made between 1968 to 1973.
Answerdon't know...but i have same thing #C177800. bought new in either 1966 or 1968.The model 370 single shot break action shotgun normally go for between 50 to 150 dollars
10-200 usd
While I cannot give you the exact year of production because winchester did not keep records of your model 370 by year,I can say that these model 370 guns were made between 1968 to 1973.