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@ 30 yrs old; 50-500 USD

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Q: What is the age and value smith and Wesson 38 special nickel finish serial ABS0571?
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What is the age model number and value of a smith and Wesson 38 special 2 barrel nickel finish serial number ABS0571?

Early 80s. Impossible to determine model by sn. 50-300 USD

What is a s and w 38 special ctg model 10-5 99.9 percent nickel revolver worth?

Your smith and wesson model 10 with a great nickel finish remaining will be worth between 375-475 dollars.

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Nickel plated Smith Wesson pistol?

S&W has offered many models in this finish.

What is the value of a smith and Wesson model36 nickel finish serial number adn1044?

50- 375 usd

What is the value of a nickel plated 38 special Smith and Wesson lemonsqueezer?

15-150 usd

What is the value of a model 49 smith and Wesson 38 nickel finish?

Depending on condition, somewhere between $300-$450.

What is the value of a nickel plated 38 Smith and Wesson special ctg?

50 and up depending on EXACTLY what you have.

What is the Smith and Wesson 36 no dash nickel 38 like?

It's a great little 38 special.

Was a model 36 smith and Wesson ever produced in a hammerless nickel plated?

the model 36 did come nickel finish. I had one. But don't recall seeing any with the shroud

When was a Smith and Wesson Model 18 3 with serial number 8K54255 manufactured. It has a nickel finish and how will this effect the value?

You will need a factory letter to prove it left with a nickel finish. If factory, it adss value, if not, it detracts. It shipped from the factory @ 1975

Value of smith Wesson 38 special nickel plated revolver serial 141880?

50-275 or so