i have 183D-D in mint condition and i bought it for $140.00 which i was prolly alittle high. i would say depending on the condition of the gun and how much you want it would be worth anywhere from $90.00- $150.00. i hope this answers your question.
50-500 usd
No published sn data.
This shotgun is a mossberg model 85. made between 1934-1937. dont know value.
The Mossberg and Sons model 26B was made from 1938-1941.The value is between 35-100 dollars,depending on overall condition.
The Mossberg 44US began production in 1943. the 44US(b) was made in 1946-1947, and was replaced by the 44US(c).
No sn data
The Mossberg model 183D was made from 1948-1985.These shotguns are valued at between 75-110 dollars.
value of mossberg 800c 22-250
You will have to call Mossberg
46M was made 1940-45
185 d Model 20 ga Mossberg Whats the Value