The value of any gun is based on the exact make, model and condition. There is a Savage Model 30 .22 rifle, and several versions (and gauges) of the Model 30 shotgun. And we still do not know condition. Your most accurate answer will come after a hands-on review at a gun shop or gun show.
What do you have? The Savage/Springfield 84C is a .22 semiauto rifle, not a .30/30.
its made from 1947 -1950 value around 350.oo
Need model and condition.
You will have to call Savage with the sn to find out; 100-400; no
The value of your Savage model 63 is between 30-70 dollars.These single shot .22cal rifles were made between 1970-1972.
$100-175, depending on condition
I asked, What is the value, Worth of a "Model 840 (eight,four,zero) Savage, Bolt Action,30-30 W/3 rnd. clip, Of Springfield Arms, Westfield, Mass."
A Savage 30-30 pump is the model 170 , they were manufactured from 1970-1981
First, the 30-30 cartridge did not exist in 1833, so I take it you meant 1933. You did not say what model of Savage rifle, but the Savage 99 was a very poular rifle. The value will depend on the exact model and condition, but could run $200-$500. Give us more information, and we may be able to narrow things down.
ABOUT $475.00
400 dollar range
350-750 dollars depending on overall condition and a good bore.