Unfired, in the box, about $900. If it has been shot, it is now a shooter, not a collector's gun, and would be worth less, depending on condition.
In the condition that you have described,your rifle is valued at 895.00 dollars on today,s market.
100-500 USD
what is the value of a Canadian Centennial $1 bill
I dont know the value, but I got 2 of them with back to back serial numbers
your 1967 Canadian cent. is valued at 595.00 dollars.
In the condition that you describe,your rifle will be valued at 650 dollars.
If unfired,the rifle is valued at 895 dollars in the condition that you describe.
50-500 usd
1 800.00$ Canadian dollars if a MP edition (serial number starts with MP and not RCMP) and has never been shot...
If your Winchester model 1894 NRA Centennial rifle is unfired(new in the box condition) then the value will be 695.00 dollars.
If your rifle is unfired(new in the box) along with the original box and tags it will be worth 650 dollars in todays market.