

Best Answer

That means they have been a "vor v zakone" thief in law. If you are thinking of getting one dont. If you want stars on shoulders go for nautical stars, never tattoo an 8 point one.

In addition the above answer, the 8 points of the star more so represents the 8 original families of the Vor and you can ONLY get the tattoo atop your epaulets if you are at very least a Lieutenant within the organization, and you usually only get this tattoo after you have proven your loyalty, which in many instances means that you have killed a high ranking enemy at the behest of your superiors. To get the stars on your kneecaps means simply that you kneel to no authority, but you cannot simply just "get" this tattoo either, you must be given permission by your superiors. As was told above by the first answer, DO NOT get any of these tattoos. These are NOT designs that are allowed on regular people, and if you do get of two things may happen as a result. Firstly, if a Russian were to see the tattoo on you...they may in all likelihood have associates that they know of who they will tell and they will then pay you a visit and "take" the tattoos from you. That is to say that they will literally hold you down and cut the skin off you where the tattoo is. Or, the second possibility, if Chechen's or another inherit enemy of the Vor were to see them, they would kill you without a second thought thinking that you are a member.

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Q: What is the Russian star tattoo meaning on there chest?
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What is the Russian star tattoo meaning?

On the knees, means you bow to no one. Also points on the star denotes years spent in jail.* *Untrue: All will have 8 points. Representing original 8 families. Picture a 15-20 pointed star, ridiculous. The towers on the back, cupolas, will represent SENTENCES served not years.