You should make sure that when you can to keep any finger prints on it incase it's used in an investigation, then you should call local law enforcement and make sure they take your finger prints so you don't become a suspect.
Not a firearm. Ask in the proper place.
Proper procedure? Can either hand (left or right) be used when reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
a cleaning rod
"The proper and safest way to clean and store a firearm is to first make sure that there is no ammunition in any part of the firearm. Take it to a gun smith to have it properly cleaned and when you pick it up, they can sell you a trigger lock for your gun. Always store your gun in a lock box."
In New Jersey, the proper way to transport a firearm from one place to another is to have it unloaded and stored in a locked container, separate from any ammunition. It is also important to have the firearm stored in the trunk of the vehicle or in a location that is not easily accessible to the driver or passengers. Additionally, it is recommended to have the firearm's owner carry their firearms identification card or permit while transporting the firearm.
There is no known procedure for finding the destiny of a substance. However, to find the density simply divide mass(weight) by volume. Density=Mass/Volume
Follow the established procedure to ensure proper completion of the task.
With the proper registration and tax payments, nearly any firearm can be owned.
Dose titration is the medical term meaning process for finding the proper dosage of a drug.
If you were CONVICTED of a crime that will bar you from ownership, you are barred. In some cases, a court may suspend a finding of guilt or innocence. duringthat priod you may NOT possess a firearm.