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According to sec 56(3), no one can issue any form of application for shares or debentures of a company unless it is accompanied by a memorandum containing such salient features of a prospectus as may be prescribed. Such memorandum is called an abridged prospectus.

As per SEC 56(3)2a such salient features are,address of the company, opening and closing of the issue, name and address of the book running lead manager (BRLM)

2.terms of the present issue

3.particulars of the issue management and projects position of the company

Deemed Prospectus

Sometimes the company may instead of offering its shares and debentures to the public allot them to any intermediary called issuing house. These issuing house, in turn, allot them for sale to the public by advertisement or circular of its own. Such a prospectus is called deemed prospectus. the main purpose for issuing an offer for sale through an issuing house is that that the company saves underwriting expenses and in turn obtains the expertise of an issuing house.

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Q: What is the Differentiate between deemed prospectus and abridged prospectus?
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