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Q: What is the Difference in voting preference?
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Match the following a marital status difference in voting preference b gender gap demographic factor c prayer in schools issue?

Marital Status- Demographic factor Gender Gap- Difference in voting preference Prayer in schools- Issue (I don't agree but its apex)

Is Gender gap a Demographic factor or Difference in voting preference?

The gender gap refers to the disparity in political attitudes and behaviors between men and women. It is not a demographic factor but rather a difference in voting preference influenced by various social, cultural, and economic factors.

Which stock pays dividends and holders have voting rights?

preference shareholder can get dividend on fixed based and preference shareholder not have voting rights and equity share holder has right to vote and to get dividend

Similarities between ordinary shares and preference shares?

1 - Both are part of share capital of business 2 - Both have the voting powers 3 - Both are equity based financing tools.

What is limitations of preference shares?

One of the limitations to preference shares is that the shareholder does not have a voting right. Preference shares normally pay a fixed dividend where common stocks do not pay a fixed dividend.

Difference between preference share and equity share?

1)Preference Shares have 2 preferences first payment of dividend in every year in which dividend is proposed & first share capital of preference shares will be payab;e @ winding up or liquidation of the company,where as equity share holders dividend after preference share holders & even share capital capital is also paid after paying to preference share holders. 2)preference share holders are not owners of the company and do not enjoy any voting right. Where as Equity Shares has voting right & they are the real owners of company. 3)Preference Shares have a finite tenure and carry a fixed rate of dividend where as dividend to equity shares is payable rest of the dividend payable after preference share holders.

How does preference voting work?

Preferential voting is a type of voting where a person is able to show their preference in the vote by numbering the nominees with numbers in order of his or her preference, an example is that the person may number their favorite nominee as 1, whereas they would number their least favorite nominee as 5. Or it could be the other way around, depending on the vote.

What is the difference between preferential voting and proportional voting?

The difference between preferential voting and proportional representation voting is that in proportional representation voting more than one member can be elected for each electorate but in preferential voting only one member can be elected for each electorate. XOXO

What is the Difference between ethnocentrism and xenocentrism?

The main difference between ethnocentrism and xenocentrism is the preference of culture. Ethnocentrism is a preference to your own culture standards while xenocentrism is a preference to different cultures.

What is a state of province?

Technically, there is no difference between a state and province. Both are areas of a country that have voting rights. Both states and provinces have autonomy from their country. The terms "state" and "province" are used as a matter of preference of the federal government.

What is the difference between a normal and a participating preference share?

what is defference between normal and preference shares

What is the difference between racial preference and affirmative action?

Sounds similar but a preference is desirable only, not required.