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Raffinate is the residual material excluding the desired product which means that it is a product remains from solvent extraction without the main or desired substance. On the other hand, desired or main substance which is extracted by the solvent is called EXTRACT further to be processed in order to separate the solvent to be purified.

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Q: What is the Difference between extract and raffinate in solvent extraction?
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How do you extract benzaldehyde from oil of bitter almonds?

Liquid-Liquid extraction with ethyl acetate

Why is carbon used to extract metal from ores?

It's used as a reducing agent. The carbon (or specifically the Carbon Monoxide produced by the heat of the furnace) "grabs" the oxygen from the ore (an oxide) producing Carbon Dioxide and the metal. The combustion of the carbon also provides the heat required for the extraction. If the ore is not an oxide, another method of extraction needs to be used.

What are types of solvents for plant extraction?

Plants material contains Organic compounds along with salts and water, some organic compounds are polar and soluble in ethyl alcohol or ethyl acetate but some are non polar and soluble in ether or hexane, so two types of solvents may be used for plants extraction, the best way is to use non polar solvent first and extract the non polar compounds then use the polar solvent and extract the polar compounds.

What is the relationship between the reactivity of a metal and the date it was first extracted?

The less reactive a metal is, the more likely it is to be found native in the Earth, or the easier it is to extract. By and large, the reactive metals, which are hard to extract, were discovered later.

What is the temperature of oil extraction from flowers?

That depends on what flower you want to extract essential oils from. I usually take a peak on wikipedia to see what compounds make up the essence, and then look up the chemical properties (namely the boiling point) of those compounds.