mcc is motor control center consists of motor starter .
pdb is power distribution board which is used to distribute the power.
MCC stands for Motor Control Center, which is an assembly of one or more enclosed sections with electrical components used to control and distribute power to various electrical motors. PDB stands for Power Distribution Board, which is a component used in electronics to distribute power from a single source to multiple devices or circuits. So, MCC is specific to controlling motors, whereas PDB is for distributing power in electronic devices.
The difference between 2 oz and 1.69 oz is 0.31 oz.
The difference in weight between platinum and gold is that platinum is denser and heavier than gold.
well, 102 is 1 less then 103, there different numbers
When the difference in electronegativity between atoms is 0.9, a polar covalent bond exists.
There is no difference between a chalkboard and a blackboard; they are two different terms used interchangeably to refer to a smooth, dark surface on which you can write with chalk.
There is no difference between PCC ( Power Control Centre) and PDB (Power Distribution Board). Although they have different names, but their functions are same i.e. controlling power feeders.
MCC-Motor control center which consist of motor staters to control the motor. PCC-power contol center which is control the power to distribution system
MCC panel is the bunch of motor feeders from where you can control power to connected motors, that's why it is called Motor Control Centre. PCC ( Power control centre), comprises of HT breaker's which controls power to transformers/ MCC's/ HT motors.
NOT PDB ...IT IS PDF-Potable Document Format
Not sure what a PDB box is. Please explain.
Smart Motor Control Center (MCC) allows digital communications between the DCS/PLC and electrical MCC. This avoids the need for interposing relays, minimizes wiring and makes diagnostic data available in DCS
A PDB is a Program Data Base file. These are used as references for code writers, as well as in Debugging applications.
MCC = 1200
Hello I think your question mentions to document file format. A PDF is Portable Document Format (PDF) is an open standard for document exchange. This file format, created by Adobe Systems in 1993, is used for representing documents in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems. And PDB in this situation, it refers to an e-book format for certain e-books, although it is not strictly a file type format unto itself. I got this kind of documents on my mobile phone, I used it to read books. So it seems there is no connection between PDF and PDB. They are just two different types of documents.
power distribution board
The Roman numeral MCC represents the number 1200
Loughborough MCC University was created in 2003.